MIX pokazów z WARSAW STREET FASHION 2011, made by me
OH! This is such a big suprise! THANK YOU TSB and BEE:*
Now, 7 things about me:
1. I love to sing! Here is my profile - http://ising.pl/yoana/
2. I love my boyfriend so much:*
3. I love animals, especially horses, dogs and pigs! I love GUMMIES! FROGS!
4. I am keen on biking, roller-blading, sight - seeing, english learning ( I love Schottish and Canadian accents ), painting and hiking ( mountain hiking )
5. I do love my family so much! And all nice bloggers which help me to believe that my blog is cool and those who comment, left so lovely words!
6. I respect all people who have passion and hobbies! Especially painters, sportmens, photographers, bloggers, singers and so on. This is my favourite photo made by DANIEL CHOJNACKI - join his FANPAGE!
I get this award from TSB - thank you! Here is her blog - http://shannonbfly.blogspot.com/. I can give this award only another bloggers, not this who chose me so I post about her here ;) Check out HER BLOG! :)
I want to give this award to:
I get this award from BEE - http://thebrunettefairy.blogspot.com/
For the one lovely blog award:
-thank and link the blogger who has given you the award.
-copy and paste the logo in your blog.
-share 7 things about yourself.
-nominate 16 other great bloggers.
-comment and let them know of the award.
-thank and link the blogger who has given you the award.
-copy and paste the logo in your blog.
-share 7 things about yourself.
-nominate 16 other great bloggers.
-comment and let them know of the award.
Passing on the One Lovely Blog Award, I nominate these lovely girls whose blogs I read frequently:
Drodzy blogowicze!
I chciałam Wam serdecznie polecić Bloga fajowej bloggerki :) Jest z Krakowa i ma na imię Asia. Na pewno będzie jej miło jak odwiedzicie jej bloga, skomentujecie i zostaniecie obserwatorami.
Thank you for the nomination!
OdpowiedzUsuńSo nice of you! <3
I'll do the same!
Hope to win an award***
awwwwwwwww!!!! thank you so much<3 this really motivates & inspires me :)
OdpowiedzUsuńyour blog is so cute!!!
love & kisses<3
thanks so much for the sweet award, and congrats on receiving it!
OdpowiedzUsuń<3 steffy
Steffys Pros and Cons
Jejku. Mega Ci dziękuję! Na prawdę...Dałaś mi kolejny powód do tego, żeby się nie poddawać i dalej prowadzić blog. DZIĘKUJĘ! :**
OdpowiedzUsuńAWWW..**hugs** I feel so happy that you wanted to award me the lovely award too. It's so mutual!! You can do a lot of things I can't that I wish i could such as singing,painting,designing, and the list goes on. That's why you're super cool to me :) I love animals too, especially dogs.
OdpowiedzUsuńTen komentarz został usunięty przez autora.
OdpowiedzUsuńthank you honey!!! you're so cute!!
OdpowiedzUsuńthank you so much even if i'm not a girl ahahahah
but don't worry it's totally ok! ;)
love you
Ślicznie dziękuję za nominację, bardzo mi miło :) Hmm, jednak zwykle nie bawię się w tego typu gry, mam nadzieję, że nie będziesz mi miała tego za złe ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńthank youuuuu so much :) great !!
OdpowiedzUsuńmany huuuugs :**
Hello there dear! Glad to hear and know 7 things more about you! Thanks for passing the award on me! I will gladly do the things I am supposed to do! Hope you are having a great day!
thank you so much! it's such an honor for me :) thank you for reading my blog I always read yours too!
You and your boyfriend are such sweet hearts!
Bardzo fajny blog:) Ja też uwielbiam pieski i świnki:D Dodaje do obserwowanych;p
OdpowiedzUsuń"CONGRATULATIONS" Doll on both must deserved Blog Awards!! YAY and I'm sure many more to come.
OdpowiedzUsuńAnd Congrats to those receiving them too.
<3 Marina
Ładne zdjęcia ♥
OdpowiedzUsuńhi dear... thank you so much for the award...
OdpowiedzUsuńit was such a good surprise for me :)
Thank you!!!
OdpowiedzUsuńbut as Syrious
I'm not a girl too
Thank you for the nomination!